The people of Khan-Uul district are proud of the Workers’ District and its historical achievements, which laid the cornerstone of Mongolia’s industry. Nowadays, the light industry, leather, leather goods, wool and cashmere, textile industry, tourism, foreign relations, education, culture, sports, health, energy, road and construction sectors are developing rapidly, and it is expanding into a development district with air and rail transport infrastructure, trade and service and catering complexes.
Khan-Uul district of Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, is one of the first four districts of the capital city, established by the Decree No. 79 of the Presidium of the People’s Great Court of the People’s Republic of Mongolia on April 14, 1965.
Khan-Uul district is located in the southwestern part of the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, at the foot of the Bogd Khan Uul Strictly Protected Area, on the banks of the Khatan Tuul River. Khan-uul is a complex with independent territorial, administrative and economic activities.
The district has 7 departments and 2 divisions, including the Citizens’ Representative Khural, the Governor’s Office and its internal structure. It has 25 khoroos, which are the primary administrative units, 27 subordinate organizations under the jurisdiction of the Governor, and the State Property Administration, District Courts, and Prosecutors, and provides fast and unimpeded public services to its citizens.
The district has a population of 195’927, 52’769 households, 20’103 enterprises, factories, companies, partnerships and cooperatives, 46’090 livestock, 482’860 chickens, 3’610 pigs, intensive farming, greenhouse industry and developed agriculture with agricultural parks.
It covers an area of 48,500 hectares, of which 21.1 percent or 10,226 hectares are protected green areas with forests, rivers and mineral springs, 67.6 percent or 32,763 hectares are agricultural land, 11.3 percent or 5,499 hectares belong to urban, road network and public lands.
The people of Khan-Uul district are proud of the Workers’ District and its historical achievements, which laid the cornerstone of Mongolia’s industry and light industry, leather, leather goods, cashmere and wool production, tourism, foreign relations, education, culture, arts, sports, health, energy, roads and construction are currently developing rapidly with it expanding into a thriving district with air and rail transport infrastructure, a trade and service complex, and a catering complex.
Khan-Uul district is a large industrial region and is home to large national companies such as Gobi JSC, “Goyo” LLC, “Kashmer Holding” LLC, “MAK” Corporation, “APU” JSC, “Vitafit” Group, “Tavan Bogd” LLC, “Atar Urguu” LLC, “Monfresh” LLC, “Jem International” LLC, Thermal Power Plant No. 3, MIAT JSC, Passenger Transport Unit LLC, and Biocombinat LLC.
In 2020, the industrial enterprises of Khan-Uul district produced a total of 958.9 billion MNT worth of products and sold 1184.5 billion MNT, which is a decrease of 22.4 percent compared to the end of the previous year, and sales increased by 14.8 percent.
The industry, mining, energy, light and food industries of Khan-Uul district produce 5.8 percent of Mongolia’s total industrial output, 6.0 percent of total sales, 9.5 percent of the capital city’s total production and 9.6 percent of total sales.
According to the master plan of the capital city, an average of 4.0-6.5 billion MNT is spent annually on landscaping, improvement of appearance, investment work and construction of new schools, kindergartens, trade, cultural services, roads and buildings and as a result of spending funds, the appearance of our district, the living and working environment of the people, and the living standard are improving day by day.
The Local Development Fund spends a certain amount of money each year to increase citizen participation in the provision of social welfare services and jobs through the establishment of community groups within the Local Development Fund, and to expand government support to support small and medium businesses and covers 3,000-4,000 people with jobs, financial assistance, social services, and food.
The district’s foreign relations are developing rapidly, including Guangjin district, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Haman soum, Gyeongsang province, Heungde district, Busan city, Jinju city, Erlian city, Inner Mongolia, China, Izgrev district, Sofia city, Republic of Korea, establishing cooperation in places such as Musashimurayama, Japan, and cooperating effectively in the fields of public administration, education, health, culture, sports, economy, investment, agriculture and business. These include:
In order to support youth development and employment, prepare for work, and provide jobs, the “Participation” project is being implemented through a comprehensive training program for career guidance and personal development.
Khan-Uul district of Ulaanbaatar is one of the first four districts of the capital city established by the Decree No. 79
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